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Η φωτογραφία
Genero: Drama
Año: 1987
Actores: Χρήστος Τσάγκας, Aris Retsos, Ζωζώ Ζάρπα, Δέσποινα Τομαζάνη, Χρήστος Βαλαβανίδης, Μαρίνα Δεληβοριά
Producción de estudio: Greek Film Centre, Gaumont, Ikones France (Paris)
A young Greek man goes to Paris seeking help from a solitary and almost misanthropic distant relative who works as a furrier. With him, he takes nothing from his homeland but a photograph of a woman that he finds on the pavement. A misunderstanding regarding the photograph sets off a series of dramatic misunderstandings which trap him in a vicious circle of lies and fantasies.
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